1 Cruddas Terrace

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For a list of all Cruddas Terrace Houses and a history of Cruddas Terrace overall please refer to the Cruddas Terrace page. For a clarification on house numbering for Cruddas Terrace please refer to our information about this.

* Information provided by Rob Tindall 26/9/23

1 Cruddas Terrace
Year Name(s) Status Age Occupation Born
1871 Matthew Scott (married) 36 Ironstone Miner Bellingham
Jane Scott (wife) 33 Bellingham
4 children aged 1 month to 11 years
Margaret Scott (child)
Isabella Scott (child)
Margaret Scott (child)
Isabella Scott (child)
Anne Cowan (boarder) 10 months
1881 William Todd (married) 39 joiner & cartwright Stanwix, Cumberland
Mary Todd (wife) 39 Bellingham
8 children aged 8 months to 13 years
Joseph Todd (child)
Sarah Todd (child)
William Todd (child)
Margaret Todd (child)
Thomas Todd (child)
Elizabeth Todd (child)
Robert Todd (child)
Catherine Todd (child)
1891[1] George Armstrong (married) 59 general labourer Bellingham
Margaret Armstrong (wife) 58 Stanley, Co. Durham
Annie Armstrong (daughter) 26 Bellingham
James Armstrong (son) woodsman Bellingham
Robert Armstrong (son) 14 scholar Bellingham
Two grandchildren
Henry (grandchild)
Meggie (grandchild)
James Brown (widower) 31 stonemason Scotland
1901 George Armstrong (married) 30 roadman Bellingham
Elizabeth Armstrong (wife) 27 Bebside
Mary Armstrong (child)
1911 Dorothy Brown (widow) 63 Rothbury
James Brown 27 upholsterer Rothbury
Arthur D M Wallace (boarder) 20 railway clerk Carlisle
Two Child Boarders
Lancelot White (child boarder) 8 Newcastle
Philip Humphrey (child boarder) 7 Gateshead
1921 Dorothy Brown (widow home duties) 73 Rothbury
William Riley visitor 33 shipwright Newcastle
May Lana Riley visitor) 29 Newcastle
William Riley (child)
Sidney Riley (child)
1939 Joseph Lauderdale (married) 27 May 1873, aged 65/66 retired railway guard Bellingham
Agnes Ellen Lauderdale (wife) 3 April 1876, aged 62/63 Rothbury
Two redacted entries
  1. N.B The census return appears to have reversed numbering and No. 9 should be No. 1