Gibbon, Steve

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Steve Gibbon

Image of Steve Gibbon circa 2010

Born: 30th November 1956
Saltburn, N. Yorkshire
Resident: Bardon Mill
Key facts: Joined the Heritage Centre as volunteer and committee member November 2018
Chairman of Trustees March 2020-

Steve Gibbon joined the Heritage Centre as a committee member and volunteer in November 2018 and became Chairman of Trustees in 2020. With a career in I.T. one of Steve's main priorities was to replace and upgrade all of the I.T. in the Centre which was old and outdated. This included replacing old off the shelf Windows PCs with mored modern equivalents, customer 'kiosks' for display of the names database, images database and Hexham Courant Clippings database. It also included the introduction of signage style monitors for the display of themed slide shows. The website was replaced with a version that selected and trained volunteers could edit and upkeep. The databases for names, images, Courant Cuttings and the newsletter archive were added.

An EPoS till was introduced so that sales and stock could be tracked and give more control over the shop.

This WIKI is also part of the update stream and is a means to capture information and stories that would otherwise be lost as people naturally move on, retire or die. Steve developed the WIKI in mid 2023 with a plan to make it live to the public in early 2024.

The initial WIKI content focussed on extracts from newsletters and information created from research into requests about ancestry arising from visitors. Most of the research work into Streets, Premises and People was generated from the work of Rob Tindall and Stan Owen.

Steve is a resident of Bardon Mill in the South Tyne valley.