Hindmarsh, George
George Hindmarch (or Hindmarsh) lived in 2 Cruddas Terrace in 1881. He was born in Thorneyburn in 1832. There is a George Hindmarsh of the correct age, and obviously a sister (Margaret) in the Hexham Workhouse in 1841 but tying this to the George in Cruddas Terrace is speculation. In the third quarter of 1858 he married Maria Hart of Brandy Bank, Woodburn. In 1861 George was a platelayer living in Foundry Yard, Bellingham. They had a lodger, William Hart who was a stonemason and almost certainly a relation of Maria. Living in Cruddas Terrace in 1871, George was now just a labourer but again they had a lodger – Mark Douglas, another labourer. Maria died in 1877 leaving George with two children - Mary Ann 8 and George 3. George’s death was registered in Bellingham in the first quarter 1899.