Kirkland, George

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George was born in Bellingham on 22 August 1869, the son of John Kirkland and Margaret Kirkland. He was almost certainly resident in Cruddas Terrace in 1871 with his parents and was certainly a member of his widowed mother’s household in the Terrace in 1881. Ten years later he was heading up a household in Cruddas Terrace (5 Cruddas Terrace) which included two unmarried sisters – Isabella Kirkland aged 25, who was the housekeeper, William Kirkland (18), Margaret Kirkland (16) and Francis P (11). He was working as a railway fireman. He married Edith Nettleton in Thorner, Wetherby in 1898. Edith was the daughter of George, a builder or mason and Hannah (Goodall). She was about eight years younger than George. His household in Bellingham in 1901 comprised himself, Edith, two children - John (aged two born in Bellingham) and Florence (seven months born in Thorner) as well as Edith’s grandmother, Pheobe Goodall, a sick nurse aged 75. He was now a railway engine driver. Florence was born on 22 August 1900, baptised in Bellingham on 25 September but died in the late summer of 1901. Between 1901 and 1910 he must have been living in Reedsmouth since his sons, Frank (born c. 1906) and Herbert (born c. 1910) were born there. In 1911 the family were living at 55, Shafto Street, Scotswood, Newcastle upon Tyne. His eldest son John, enlisted in the army during World War I and was killed in action on 24 August 1918 aged nineteen. He is commemorated on plaques in St. Oswald’s Church and Reeds School, Bellingham. When he was killed his parents were living at 55, Kingsgate Terrace, Hexham. In 1921 the family, George, Edith, Frank and Herbert were still in Kingsgate and George’s employer is given as the North British Railway based in Hexham. In 1939 George and Edith were residents of Thornhill, Park Avenue, Hexham, with George described as a retired railway engine driver. George died on 21 February 1941 and is buried in Hexham Cemetery. Probate was granted to son, Frank, bank clerk, with his effects being worth £104 0s 2d. Edith, then of 8, Millfield Gardens, Hexham, died on 4th January 1966 in Hexham General Hospital. Probate was again granted to Frank and the estate valued at £618.