Maughan, Michael

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Michael lived in Cruddas Terrace (5 Cruddas Terrace and 6 Cruddas Terrace), Bellingham in 1871 and 1881 and had a very varied career. He was born in 1831 and baptised in Bellingham on 26 June. He was the son of Forest and Mary. In 1841 Forest was a farmer at Whitewall Nook but by 1851 had moved to Lee Hall Mill where he was miller and farmed twenty acres. There were four children – Jane H (b. 1829), Michael (1831), Cuthbert (1834) and William T (1838). No occupation is recorded for Jane and Michael in 1851 but presumably they worked for their father as they are designated farmer’s daughter and son respectively. There was another worker, fourteen-year-old John Lauderdale who was employed on the farm and mill. On census night thirteen-year-old Catherine Lamb was a visitor. (Mary Maughan’s maiden name was Lamb). On 12 September 1856 Michael Maughan married Elizabeth Breckons in Wark. A complete change of direction followed as Michael was not only farming nineteen acres in Woodburn in 1861 but was also the innkeeper of the Bay Horse Inn. There were two children - Forest M (4) and Elizabeth M (2). He employed 19-year-old Elizabeth Hudson as a servant. It would be interesting to know what happened to farming and innkeeping because in 1871 Michael was living in Cruddas Terrace (5 Cruddas Terrace) and employed as a railway porter. Michael’s wife, Elizabeth’s death is recorded in the first quarter of 1879 and since Michael’s youngest daughter, Margaret was born around about that time – aged two in the 1881 Census – it is probable that Elizabeth’s death was connected to Margaret’s birth. Michael was still working as a porter and living in Cruddas Terrace (5 Cruddas Terrace) in 1881 with daughter, Elizabeth aged 22 acting as housekeeper. There had been another change of direction by 1891 when Michael, aged sixty was now a farmer at Fallow Green. Son, Christopher a cartman and his wife Margery and a grandson were living with him. In 1901 Michael was still farming and one of his daughters, Annie (previously recorded as Jane Ann) was in the house as were Christopher, Margery and four grandchildren. Michael died on 22 January 1909. Probate was granted to Forest Maughan, engineer and Christopher Maughan, farmer. The estate was worth £161. 1s. 2d.