Neve, Ann

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* Information provided by Rob Tindall 25/10/23

Ann Neve was born Ann Aynsley in 1844 in Matfen, the daughter of William, an agricultural labourer and Ann. In 1861 she was working as a dairy maid employed by Robert Hepple a farmer at Rugley Walls, Cambo. Her future husband, Robert Neve, a stone quarryman was living at nearby Saugh House at this time. With her husband she moved to Hartburn, Rothbury, Ridsdale, and eventually, Cruddas Terrace, Bellingham. They had at least six children. She wasn’t resident in Cruddas Terrace on the night of the 1891 Census but is recorded as being a charwoman in the Union Workhouse, Bellingham. Robert died in 1894 and moved away from Bellingham. In 1901 she is recorded as being a lodger in the household of her daughter, Mary Ann Belton and her husband Jacob at Gloucester Lodge Cottage, Seaton Delaval. Ann’s death was registered in Castle Ward in 1907.