Neve, Robert

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* Information provided by Rob Tindall 25/10/23

Robert was born in Wymondham, Norfolk on 30 March 1840 and baptised on 13 April. His mother was Mary Ann Lansdale (spelling varies). He was baptised Robert Lansdale but two months later his mother married Edward Neve (2 June 1840) At the wedding she is described as a widow, but in the 1841 Census the is a handwritten note describing Robert and his older brother William (born 1837) by their baptismal name of Landsdell and being the illegitimate children of Mary Landsdell. Edward Neave (sic) was an agricultural labourer aged 25 whilst Mary was five years older. In Kings Lynn in 1851 Robert’s age is given as three whilst by all other records he should be eleven or twelve. The family are now all called Neve and there is a young daughter – Mary Ann aged 3 months. A change in job brought the family to Northumberland. Edward is now (1861) a railway contractor and son, Robert is a stone quarry man. Father Edward would almost certainly be involved in the construction of the Wannie Line since the family was living at Saugh Hose, Wallington Demesne. It is interesting that on census night there were four lodgers all railway labourers in Saugh House from Yorkshire, Brough and Lincolnshire. The recorder noted against all four ‘only one night’. In the second quarter of 1863 Robert married Ann Aynsley , a dairy maid who had been working for a farmer near Cambo. A move to Hartburn must have followed shortly after their marriage as their elder daughter, Mary Ann was born there in 1865. The stay in Hartburn must have been brief since their second daughter, Catherine was born in Rothbury in 1867. Mount Healy was the family’s home in 1871 where Robert was a quarryman. 53, Armstrong Street, Ridsdale was the next stop with Jane, Elizabeth, George E and Robert A all being registered as being born in Corsenside. Robert was a quarry labourer in 1881. Cruddas Terrace Bellingham was Robert, the stone quarryman’s last home. He was living there in 1891 with wife, Ann, daughter, Ellen, a dressmaker, and Robert A, a scholar. Ann isn’t shown as resident in 1891 since she was employed as a charwoman in Bellingham Union Workhouse and was registered there on census night. Robert died in Bellingham in the third quarter of 1894 aged 55.