Peel, Edmund Bulman
Edmund Peel was lodging with Isabella Burrell in 6 Percy Terrace, Bellingham in 1921 when he was working for Lloyds Bank as a bank clerk. He was the son of John Peel and Ann Peel (nee Bulman) and was born in Dalston, Cumberland on 7 August 1902. His birth was registered in Carlisle. He was a great, great grandson of the subject of the hunting song ‘D’ye ken John Peel’ He started work in the Bellingham branch of the bank, moved to Hexham and back to Bellingham before settling in Rothbury for the rest of his career and life. In 1931, in Tynemouth, he married May Olive Robinson. May was born in Whitton Colliery, Durham and was the daughter of George, a colliery manager, and Kate. In Rothbury the couple lived in Shellrigg House in Church Lane. Edmund took keen participation in village activities and in 1939 was a member of the observer corps. His home telephone number in 1952 was Rothbury 191. He died on 3 July 1960 and is buried in Rothbury Cemetery. He left estate worth £139 7s 10d. May died in Shellrigg in 1967 leaving £3260.