Redesdale described in 1881

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The Vale of the Rede, that classic page to the Antiquary and Naturalist, and favourite field to the sportsman.


The Auburn of the vale and home of sentiment, interpreting the records of the Roman Cohorts, upon the vestiges of Habitancum [Risingham], and in harmony with Otterburn, the Philippi of the Percy and the Douglas, now sounding paeans to the victories of peace. Mercury crowning the bust of George Stephenson– the Antiquary tracing through the mist of ages the causeways of the Antonines. The Angler upon the grassy banks of the Rede humming the sonnets of Rokeby, Doubleday and Crawhall – the field Sportsman in ecstasies upon the whirr of the grouse upon Hareshaw, Hartside and Darna.