Sisterson, James Thomson
The Sisterson family lived in 3 Cruddas Terrace Bellingham in 1911. Thomas Sisterson was born in 1861 and although the birth was registered in Bellingham, his home was at High Yarrow, Falstone. He was the son of Matthew and Isabella. In earlier censuses William was recorded as a mason but in 1891 was described as a farmer. It isn’t surprising that both James and his older brother, John followed the family trade as masons. In 1892, in Newcastle, he married Margaret Hedley who had been born in Bellingham. In 1901 the family were living in Garden Terrace, Bellingham. As well as James and Margaret and five children, Margaret’s brother, Thomas Hedley, a tailor was living in the house. Margaret subsequently had eight children of whom only five were surviving in 1911. James’ business interests are evident in T. Davidson’s Accounts Ledger a document in the Heritage Centre where he features as a customer in 1903. James subsequently moved to work as a stonemason for J Blackett Ord on the Whitfield Estate. He died in Haltwhistle aged 63 in 1927.