Smith, Hannah
* Information provided by Rob Tindall 15/10/23
Hannah was a married woman with no recorded occupation lodging with Daniel McKie in 1891 with her two children, Catherine (6) and James (3). There is confusion about her earlier history as there were two women recorded in the 1891 Census who were born in Workington in the same year. Both refer to a married woman although neither is living with a husband. It is speculation to say that she was born Hannah Scott and married Francis Smith who was an ironworker in Linthorpe Middlesborough. Her post-Bellingham life is still uncertain, but it is likely that she was the housewife aged 51 who was born in Cumberland and a patient in the County Lunatic Asylum at Morpeth at the 1901 Census. If this is the case, it is probable that she died at Morpeth and was buried aged 58 in the second quarter of 1903.