Just keep tewin on!

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By Clive Dalton

It’s hard to knaa whaat forst te de Wi se much ganin on, And the missus ses it’s aall up to me So Aall just keep tewin on.

The yunguns used te cum te help oot Can ye remember yon? But nuw thor anxious for computers te boot So Aall just keep tewin on.

Me bike Aa used te pedal and push But them fond days is gone, An Aa canna ride on Norman’s bus So Aall just keep tewin on.

The Daft Laddie’s left – nowt in his heed Am not sorry that he’s gone, He said more munny was his need So Aall just keep tewin on.

The missus got the virus – went fuzzy in the heed And nuw the Servant Lass has gone, It’s that rubbish in the Courant she reads So Aall just keep tewin on.