Welcome to the Heritage Centre Bellingham's WIKI pages

From Bellingham Heritage Centre
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Here we present stories and memories from the present and past describing the heritage and history of the area.

If you have any additions or corrections please email info@bellingham-heritage.org.uk, thank you.


We have taken every care to ensure accuracy of this wiki content for the Heritage Centre. Where possible sources of information are referenced. However, as is inevitable in the collection of people's memories and even in documented 'evidence' such as newspaper articles, the accuracy of information can vary and even stray towards the anecdotal. Please bear this in mind when using this wiki.

If you find any information which you think may be inaccurate we would be pleased to hear from you at info@bellingham-heritage.org.uk. Please let us know the corrected information and sources if at all possible. Thank you.

Census Data and Family History Research

We have made use of UK Census data and other records to help create this Wiki. Much of this is due to the endeavours of Rob Tindall and Stan Owen. For a brief explanation of UK Census Data see our page on this subject.

If you are using this site for family history research purposes there are a number of things you could try:

  1. Use the search box on a full or partial name - try surnames first. Our main biographical pages use the format Surname, Forename e.g. 'Scott, Jane'. Other references within pages will use the more common terminology 'Jane Scott'.
  2. Go the the People Category page where there is an alphabetically sorted list go biography entries. We have endeavoured to use married names but have created cross-link entries from maiden names as much as possible so you can look for e.g. 'Scott, Jane' (note the comma) or 'Jane Scott' (note lack of comma). Both will take you to a full biography.
  3. If you have an address search on that e.g. 'Cruddas Terrace' or more specifically '1 Cruddas Terrace' (no commas).


In the case of family history particularly locally, you will often come across several individuals with the same name e.g. George Armstrong. On this WIKI we differentiate these common names in the following manner.

  1. The first instance of the name encountered in our research will be recorded under the page 'Armstrong, George'.
  2. This will not always be the oldest recorded instance - just the one we first came across.
  3. Subsequent variations of the name will use the birth year to differentiate the page title e.g. 'Armstrong, George b1879' or 'Maughan, Elizabeth (Born 1859)' or just a range of dates e.g., 'Short, John (1842 - 1910?)'. Our apologies for the inconsistencies.
  4. Further methods will be used to differentiate beyond that as required.
  5. If you are therefore searching for 'George Armstrong' it is suggested you use the People Category to look for and examine all instances of 'Armstrong, George' until you are satisfied you have found what you want.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

A number of people have helped significantly to get this WIKI Started:

  • Rob Tindall. Rob has conducted extensive census research for this WIKI and is responsible for the original names database at the Heritage Centre.
  • Stan Owen. Stan has contributed images from his Collier collection, research from Census information and newspaper archives. He has extensive local knowledge built up since the creation of the Heritage Centre.
  • Dr Clive Dalton. Born and bred in Bellingham before going to work in academic research in New Zealand. Clive has an extensive knowledge of the area in the past as well as any. many anecdotes about people, place and activity. A valuable source of social history.
  • Steve Gibbon who provided the technical expertise to build this wiki, edit, manage and maintain it.

My thanks and acknowledgments to them for their significant efforts and research and in some cases prodigious memories.


The following categories are utilised on this Wiki:

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