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* Information provided by Stan Owen 30/08/2023
Black Bull
Black Bull
Year |
Source |
Name |
1858 |
Kelly's Directory |
Margaret Gibson (Mrs.) |
1873 |
Kelly |
William Hodgson |
1879 |
Kelly |
Elizabeth Ann Hodgson (Mrs.) |
1882 |
death |
William C Hodgson |
died 29th September after hunting accident
1886 |
Bulmer |
William Teasdale |
1890 |
Kelly |
William Teasdale |
1891 |
census |
Pierre Vervaet |
1894 |
census |
Pierre Vervaet |
1897 |
census |
Pierre Vervaet |
1902 |
Kelly |
John Johnson |
1906 |
Kelly |
John Johnson |
1910 |
Kelly |
John Johnson |
1914 |
Kelly |
John Johnson |
died 9th April 1926
1921 |
Kelly |
Kincaid George Knox |
present 19th June 1921 (census)
1925 |
Kelly |
Kincaid Lilian (Mrs.) |
1928 |
Kelly |
James Mitchell |
1929 |
Kelly |
James Mitchell |
1934 |
Kelly |
James Mitchell |
1938 |
Kelly |
James Mitchell |
1939 |
Register |
ames Mitchell |
died 29th April 1941
1949 |
ER |
Dorothy Atkinson |
Fox and Hounds
Fox and Hounds
Year |
Source |
Name |
1858 |
Kelly's Directory |
William Turnbull |
late innkeeper 1861 census and otter hunter
1861 |
census |
James Ridley |
died 16th May 1865 aged 78
1873 |
Kelly |
John Ridley |
died 26th January 1873 aged 35
1879 |
Kelly |
John Davidson |
died 1885
1886 |
Bulmer |
Jane Davidson (Mrs.) |
1890 |
Kelly |
Jane Davidson (Mrs.) |
1891 |
census |
Jane Davidson (Mrs.) |
1894 |
Kelly |
Jane Davidson (Mrs.) |
1897 |
Kelly |
Jane Davidson (Mrs.) |
died 1908
1901 |
census |
James Potts |
1902 |
Kelly |
James Potts |
1906 |
Kelly |
James Potts |
died 30th April 1909 aged 65
1910 |
Kelly |
Robert Davison Potts |
1914 |
Kelly |
Robert Davison Potts |
1921 |
Kelly |
Robert Davison Potts |
1925 |
Kelly |
Robert Davison Potts |
died 23rd December 1935 aged 57
1929 |
Kelly |
Frederick C Potts |
1934 |
Kelly |
Frederick C Potts |
1938 |
Kelly |
Frederick C Potts |
1939 |
register |
Frederick C Potts |
died 1957
1949 |
ER |
Frederick C Potts |
Rose and Crown
Rose and Crown
Year |
Source |
Name |
1858 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
1873 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
1879 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
1886 |
Bulmer |
Thomas Philipson |
1890 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
1891 |
census |
Thomas Philipson |
1894 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
1897 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
1902 |
Kelly |
Thomas Philipson |
died 24th July 1903 aged 93
1906 |
Kelly |
John Philipson |
1910 |
Kelly |
John Philipson |
1914 |
Kelly |
John Philipson |
1921 |
Kelly |
John Philipson |
1925 |
Kelly |
John Philipson |
1929 |
Kelly |
John Philipson |
1934 |
Kelly |
Elizabeth Philipson (Mrs.) |
1938 |
Kelly |
Robert Gray |
1939 |
register |
Joseph Robert Robson |
died 10th November 1939
1949 |
Alexander M Copeland |
Railway Hotel (now The Cheviot 2024)
Railway Hotel
Year |
Source |
Name |
1858 |
Kelly |
Thomas Breckons |
(Furnace Inn & Posting House)
1873 |
Kelly |
James Hedley |
1879 |
Kelly |
James Hedley |
1886 |
Bulmer |
William Gardner |
1890 |
Kelly |
Phyllis Turnbull |
1891 |
census |
James Turnbull |
1894 |
Kelly |
Robert Emmerson |
1897 |
Kelly |
Robert Emmerson jun. |
1902 |
Kelly |
George Henry Hiles |
1906 |
Kelly |
Frances M Graham (Miss) |
1910 |
Kelly |
William Howard Arthur |
1911 |
Census |
William Howard Arthur |
1914 |
Kelly |
Thomas Henry Glass |
1921 |
Kelly |
Thomas Henry Glass |
1925 |
Kelly |
Thomas Henry Glass sen. |
died 30th March 1927 aged 72
1929 |
Kelly |
Thomas Henry Glass jun. |
1934 |
Kelly |
Thomas Henry Glass |
1938 |
Kelly |
Thomas Henry Glass |
1939 |
register |
Thomas Henry Glass |
died 1970
1949 |
ER |
James R L Brent |
Grey Bull Beerhouse
Grey Bull Beerhouse
Year |
Source |
Name |
1858 |
Kelly |
Simon Scott |
died 1866
1873 |
Kelly |
Mary Scott (Mrs.) |
1879 |
Kelly |
Mary Scott (Mrs.) |
died 1880
1886 |
Bulmer |
Sarah Nichol (Miss) |
1890 |
Kelly |
Daniel Matthews |
1891 |
census |
George Elliott Moscrop |
1894 |
Kelly |
George Elliott Moscrop |
1897 |
Kelly |
George Elliott Moscrop |
1902 |
Kelly |
Joseph Wood |
1906 |
Kelly |
Joseph Wood |
1910 |
Kelly |
James Muter |
1911 |
census |
Peter Edwin Ellis Smith |
1914 |
Kelly |
Peter Edwin Ellis Smith |
until 1917
1921 |
Kelly |
closed |
1925 |
Kelly |
closed |
1929 |
Kelly |
closed |
1934 |
Kelly |
Roderick J Thompson |
(Rod’s Snack Bar)
1938 |
Kelly |
Roderick J Thompson |
(Rod’s Snack Bar)
1939 |
register |
Roderick J Thompson |
(Rod’s Snack Bar)