Bellingham Public Houses and Landlords

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* Information provided by Stan Owen 30/08/2023

Black Bull

Black Bull
Year Source Name Comments
1858 Kelly's Directory Margaret Gibson (Mrs.)
1873 Kelly William Hodgson
1879 Kelly Elizabeth Ann Hodgson (Mrs.)
1882 death William C Hodgson died 29th September after hunting accident
1886 Bulmer William Teasdale
1890 Kelly William Teasdale
1891 census Pierre Vervaet
1894 census Pierre Vervaet
1897 census Pierre Vervaet
1902 Kelly John Johnson
1906 Kelly John Johnson
1910 Kelly John Johnson
1914 Kelly John Johnson died 9th April 1926
1921 Kelly Kincaid George Knox present 19th June 1921 (census)
1925 Kelly Kincaid Lilian (Mrs.)
1928 Kelly James Mitchell
1929 Kelly James Mitchell
1934 Kelly James Mitchell
1938 Kelly James Mitchell
1939 Register ames Mitchell died 29th April 1941
1949 ER Dorothy Atkinson

Fox and Hounds

Fox and Hounds
Year Source Name Comments
1858 Kelly's Directory William Turnbull late innkeeper 1861 census and otter hunter
1861 census James Ridley died 16th May 1865 aged 78
1873 Kelly John Ridley died 26th January 1873 aged 35
1879 Kelly John Davidson died 1885
1886 Bulmer Jane Davidson (Mrs.)
1890 Kelly Jane Davidson (Mrs.)
1891 census Jane Davidson (Mrs.)
1894 Kelly Jane Davidson (Mrs.)
1897 Kelly Jane Davidson (Mrs.) died 1908
1901 census James Potts
1902 Kelly James Potts
1906 Kelly James Potts died 30th April 1909 aged 65
1910 Kelly Robert Davison Potts
1914 Kelly Robert Davison Potts
1921 Kelly Robert Davison Potts
1925 Kelly Robert Davison Potts died 23rd December 1935 aged 57
1929 Kelly Frederick C Potts
1934 Kelly Frederick C Potts
1938 Kelly Frederick C Potts
1939 register Frederick C Potts died 1957
1949 ER Frederick C Potts

Rose and Crown

Rose and Crown
Year Source Name Comments
1858 Kelly Thomas Philipson
1873 Kelly Thomas Philipson
1879 Kelly Thomas Philipson
1886 Bulmer Thomas Philipson
1890 Kelly Thomas Philipson
1891 census Thomas Philipson
1894 Kelly Thomas Philipson
1897 Kelly Thomas Philipson
1902 Kelly Thomas Philipson died 24th July 1903 aged 93
1906 Kelly John Philipson
1910 Kelly John Philipson
1914 Kelly John Philipson
1921 Kelly John Philipson
1925 Kelly John Philipson
1929 Kelly John Philipson
1934 Kelly Elizabeth Philipson (Mrs.)
1938 Kelly Robert Gray
1939 register Joseph Robert Robson died 10th November 1939
1949 Alexander M Copeland

Railway Hotel (now The Cheviot 2024)

Railway Hotel
Year Source Name Comments
1858 Kelly Thomas Breckons (Furnace Inn & Posting House)
1873 Kelly James Hedley
1879 Kelly James Hedley
1886 Bulmer William Gardner
1890 Kelly Phyllis Turnbull
1891 census James Turnbull
1894 Kelly Robert Emmerson
1897 Kelly Robert Emmerson jun.
1902 Kelly George Henry Hiles
1906 Kelly Frances M Graham (Miss)
1910 Kelly William Howard Arthur
1911 Census William Howard Arthur
1914 Kelly Thomas Henry Glass
1921 Kelly Thomas Henry Glass
1925 Kelly Thomas Henry Glass sen. died 30th March 1927 aged 72
1929 Kelly Thomas Henry Glass jun.
1934 Kelly Thomas Henry Glass
1938 Kelly Thomas Henry Glass
1939 register Thomas Henry Glass died 1970
1949 ER James R L Brent

Grey Bull Beerhouse

Grey Bull Beerhouse
Year Source Name Comments
1858 Kelly Simon Scott died 1866
1873 Kelly Mary Scott (Mrs.)
1879 Kelly Mary Scott (Mrs.) died 1880
1886 Bulmer Sarah Nichol (Miss)
1890 Kelly Daniel Matthews
1891 census George Elliott Moscrop
1894 Kelly George Elliott Moscrop
1897 Kelly George Elliott Moscrop
1902 Kelly Joseph Wood
1906 Kelly Joseph Wood
1910 Kelly James Muter
1911 census Peter Edwin Ellis Smith
1914 Kelly Peter Edwin Ellis Smith until 1917
1921 Kelly closed
1925 Kelly closed
1929 Kelly closed
1934 Kelly Roderick J Thompson (Rod’s Snack Bar)
1938 Kelly Roderick J Thompson (Rod’s Snack Bar)
1939 register Roderick J Thompson (Rod’s Snack Bar)