Category:Streets and Premises
This Category does what is says on the Tin and provides a list of all the Streets and Premises covered by the Wiki. A page will only appear in this list if it is a full description of the Street or Premise, e.g. Cruddas Terrace, rather than a specific place within a street e.g. 1 Cruddas Terrace. To find a specific page either conduct a search e.g. '1 Cruddas Terrace' (no commas note) or go to the 'Cruddas Terrace' Page and use the links to the individual houses listed there.
The exceptions are where there may be confusion or renaming e.g. Percy Cottage is also know as Cruddas Terrace baker's shop OR Armstrong Square OR 1 Armstrong Square so appears in the list as all of those titles with all referencing Percy Cottage as the main page. The other names by which it is know are shown as redirects and are italicised.
Pages in category "Streets and Premises"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.